
The Board of Directors "the Board" has established the following specialized committees that provide support and recommendations to support the Board of Directors in performing its roles and functions. The Board has formed these committees and approved their work charters and authorities.

The Board Audit Committee ("BAC")

The BAC aims to ensure the reliability and integrity of the Company's financial reports as well as to verify the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control systems applied in the Company and establish the commitment culture within the Company. The BAC shall be compromised of three members of the Board of Directors who are not Executive Directors. The membership of the Committee shall not be occupied by the Board Chairman or any executive member of the Board as shown below:

BAC members


BAC Chairman

Mr. Tamer Abbas Helme Al-Essawi


Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Nabasy


Mr. Ahmed Hussain Al-Ali

Board Risk Committee ("BRC")

The BRC aims to develop strategies, policies and risk management regulations in line with the Company's risk appetite. The BRC shall be compromised of three members of the Board of Directors who are not Executive Directors. The BRC shall be chaired by one of the non-executive Board's members. The Board Chairman shall not be a member in the BRC as shown below:

BRC members


BRC Chairman

Mr. Ahmed Hussain Al-Ali


Mr. Saleh Ahmed Al-Homaidi


Mr. Tamer Abbas Helme Al-Essawi

Board Nominations and Remuneration Committee ("BNRC")

The BRNC aims to prepare recommendations pertaining to nominations for the positions of the Board members and the executive management, as well as to provide recommendations on the policies and regulations governing the granting of compensations and remunerations. The BNRC's membership shall be for three members of the Board. The BNRC's membership shall be for independent members. The BNRC shall be chaired by one of the non-executive Board's members as shown below:

BNRC members


BRC Chairman

Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Nabasy    


Mr. Ahmed Hussain Al-Ali


Mr. Tamer Abbas Helme Al-Essawi